9.40% ABV
Imperial IPA
The concept behind this beer is for people to appreciate an IPA as it's meant to be served, as fresh as possible. Having had this one fresh and near the 9 21 12 deadline there are noticeable differences in flavors. Yeah it's a bit gimmicky to have this in limited amounts and to not serve it after the deadline, but I'm the type of person with tamagochi, beanie babies, and cases of Pepsi Crystal in my basement
Visual: A very dark golden yellow, some decent carbonation and a lot of lacing.
Smell: A rush of tropical fruit, very fragrant with very little hop character. Actually has a bit of nuttiness which is unusual for an IPA that isn't infused with rye.Very unassuming beer in terms of the alcohol content that lies within.
Taste:Immediately have a nice medium oily coating in the mouth with a rush of mango, pineapple, citrus.If you've ever had freshly squeezed juice(not packaged) with some alcohol(who hasn't?) then you've had this before.Fairly modest resiny piny and oily hop character, but in comparison to most Stone Beers it isn't much of a factor. It's as drinkable as mothers milk at 9.40% ABV. If you've had Stone Ruination its quite similar but with less hop character and more tropical fruit. As it warms the roles are reversed for this beer, wherein you get a ton of oily hops and very little tropical fruit. I can't get over how much tropical fruit is in this, it's like a Chiquita commercial in my mouth

Rating: Easily a 95/100. The only things setting this back is the limited quantities, which at this point you have to really search to acquire a bottle which isn't very fresh. If I have one criticism(negative nancy time) is that it's missing more tropical fruit to make it a 100. It's got a good dose of it but If I have to be picky that would be the reason why.
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